Taion, the renowned Japanese outerwear brand, redefines the art of staying warm. Utilizing premium materials like lightweight nylon and ethically sourced goose down with an...

Taion, the renowned Japanese outerwear brand, redefines the art of staying warm. Utilizing premium materials like lightweight nylon and ethically sourced goose down with an exceptional fill power of 850+ cubic inches per ounce, Taion creates garments that offer maximum warmth without compromising on mobility.   

Japanese Aesthetics: Minimalism Meets Functionality

Inspired by Japanese minimalist aesthetics, Taion garments feature clean lines and sophisticated designs. From sleek padded jackets to versatile vests, each piece embodies a harmonious blend of form and function. Even their innovative down skirts seamlessly integrate outdoor performance with urban sophistication.   

Unrivaled Performance in every condition

Experience unparalleled warmth and comfort with Taion. These garments are engineered to provide exceptional temperature regulation, keeping you cozy in even the harshest winter conditions.   

Versatility Redefined

Available in a range of timeless solid colors and bold, contemporary prints, Taion jackets seamlessly integrate into any wardrobe. Layer them over sweaters, hoodies, or even dresses for added warmth and style

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